Contribute and Collaborate
Would you like to contribute to, or collaborate with, ALMEDA? Here’s how you can help.
- Share your data with us. All data on the ALMEDA project will be open and linked. Should you have information about oral, performed, ephemeral or informal African expressive forms and would like it included in our database and linked to our data, please be in touch.
- Propose your own case-study. If you are working on materials that fall within our area of interest and would like methodological input on how best to capture data on your materials, contact us. PhD students are particularly welcome to propose case-studies, for which our team would be happy to offer mentorship.
- Review our data. If you are working on an area that we are including in our first batch of case studies and would like to review our data, let us know. All our data is available on request.
Existing Collaborations
We are excited to develop collaborations with existing initiatives in African digital humanities, cultural heritage, libraries or any other stake-holders. Please be in touch if you would be interested in collaborating with us. Our current collaborations include: