African Literary Metadata

Contribute and Collaborate

Would you like to contribute to, or collaborate with, ALMEDA? Here’s how you can help.

  • Share your data with us. All data on the ALMEDA project will be open and linked. Should you have information about oral, performed, ephemeral or informal African expressive forms and would like it included in our database and linked to our data, please be in touch.
  • Propose your own case-study. If you are working on materials that fall within our area of interest and would like methodological input on how best to capture data on your materials, contact us. PhD students are particularly welcome to propose case-studies, for which our team would be happy to offer mentorship.
  • Contribute a lexicon of literary terms in an African language. One of the biggest challenges with linked open data is to find ways of linking data across multiple languages. This is crucial to the development of African language knowledge resources. Please follow this link if you’re interested in working with us on a lexicon in an African language.
  • Review our data. If you are working on an area that we are including in our first batch of case studies and would like to review our data, let us know. All our data is available on request.

Existing Collaborations

We are excited to develop collaborations with existing initiatives in African digital humanities, cultural heritage, libraries or any other stake-holders. Please be in touch if you would be interested in collaborating with us. Our current collaborations include:

New Publication: ‘African Literary Metadata and Makerere University’s Library’

This article provides a case study of the history of the cataloging system at Makerere University Library and discusses how this has come to shape the body of African literature housed there. The article is available as an open access publication. Harris, Ashleigh. “African Literary Metadata and Makerere University’s Library.” Research…

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Nairobi Spoken Word dataset

We’re delighted to share the completion of a project carried out by poet and Swahili lecturer (at the Centre for African Studies, Copenhagen University) Lisa Mumbi Macharia. This dataset documents over 10 years of spoken word poetry performances in the city of Nairobi. Mumbi recorded 628 performances from between March…

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Report on activities in 2024

Click here to read more about our activities in 2024

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New postdoc to catalogue Khangas

The Khanga/Kanga/Leso is a traditional cotton cloth with mixed designs, colors and messages worn by women along the coastal regions of Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar. The popularization of the Khanga can be traced back to 1887, when the Kaderdina family founded the Hajee Essak Limited company, which pioneered the mass…

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